14 Mart 2013 Perşembe

x inactivation

x-inactivation is a process by which one of the two copies of the x chromosome present in female mammals is inactivated. the inactive x chromosome is silenced by packaging into transcriptionally inactive heterochromatin. x-inactivation occurs so that the female, with two x chromosomes, does not have twice as many x chromosome gene products as the male, which only possess a single copy of the x chromosome.

erkek ve kadındaki x kromozomunda taşınan genlerin dozunun eşitlenmesi için, kadındaki kopyalardan birinin random olarak susturulmasıdır. bu susturulma, kromozomdaki genlerin aktif olmayan heterokromatin halinde paketlenmesiyle olur. bu susturulmada metillemenin de görevi vardır.

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